Listen to past episodes of RiskyRecords
Episode 18
The CPA Profession has seen many changes over the recent years. Talent retention, resources, technology, and regulatory compliance are among the many challenges accounting firms face today. Stephen’s RiskyRecords guest, Tony Szczepaniak of LEA Global, shares how collaboration between accounting firms may be the answer to your future success in facing these current challenges. Tony shares the process of creating a collaborative relationship and managing the risk around working with others.
Jazz great Glenn Miller’s Greatest Hits is the topic of discussion as Tony shares his thoughts and memories on this record.
Episode 17
Cyber liability insurance has a fairly short history compared to other insurance. Cyber liability exposure continues to change as technology continues to change. Stephen’s guest in this episode of RiskyRecords, Rob Ferrini, Cyber Liability Program Manager for McGowanPRO, discusses the landscape of one of the largest legal and financial exposures that accountants face daily. Topics talked about are why you should not rely on your accountant’s professional liability policy for all exposures, different cyber insurance policy endorsements, information security legal exposures and so much more.
Rob chooses the record from Stephen’s vinyl collection Arch of a Diver, by Steve Winwood.
Episode 16
In this episode, RiskyRecords guests Natalia Greene of Lemme Insurance Services and Steve Tully of the law firm Garrett & Tully, both defense attorneys with years of experience defending accounting firms explain what an accounting firm can expect the defense process to look like when defending a claim. Natalia and Steve use claim stories to explain benefits of early reporting, creating a defense strategy, the role of the defense team and the settlement of the claim.
Natalia picks Prince’s album Sign ‘o the Times for discussion and Steve plays movie soundtrack trivia featuring movies with Prince’s music in the soundtrack.
Episode 15
Stephen’s guest, Konrad Martin, CEO for TechAdvisors, IT specialists in Information Security has a conversation with Stephen about mitigating risk and compliance around state information security laws. Some topics touched on are the need for an AI Usage Policy and WISP. Konrad points out that on-going change in the compliance environment for the management of client and employee personal information is a challenge and shares ways to take on that challenge.
The record of choice from Stephen’s Vinyl Vault is Tommy by The Who. Konrad and Stephen discuss their favorite songs and memories about the music.
Episode 14
Travelers Insurance Vice President of Risk Management Services, Joe Jones shares with RiskyRecords host Stephen Vono his plan for an accounting firm’s risk management program. Joe and Stephen discuss the different tools needed for every CPA firm’s risk management toolbox. Such tools include Client intake forms, engagement letters, notes to manage client expectations, and so much more!
Joe relives his college days by choosing the Talking Heads album Little Creatures from Stephen’s collection.
Episode 13
In This episode, RiskyRecords guest Mark Stone, CPA of Sales Tax Defense LLC gives his second appearance and speaks with Stephen about how accountants can be a hero to their clients with found money in sales tax refunds. Mark discusses exemptions, engagement letter caveats in sales tax services, and different points for accountants to be aware of when sales tax refunds are available to their client’s.
Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon is the musical topic of discussion from Stephen’s vinyl collection.
Episode 12
Stephen’s guest, Anthony Carolei, Risk Manager for Hanover Insurance shares the story of engagement letter creep causing a claim for an accounting firm. Anthony points out the need for risk management tools that lower an accounting firm’s legal exposure with protective language in the engagement letter, managing client expectations, and due diligence.
The record of choice from Stephen’s Vinyl Vault is Greetings From Asbury Park by Bruce Springsteen, a favorite for both Anthony and Stephen.
Episode 11
In this episode, RiskyRecords guest John Pastore, a Registered Investment Advisor with Integrated Partners discusses with Stephen having the ability for accounting firms to increase revenue through investment advisory services while mitigating claims. Risk management items discussed are use of disclosure in engagement letters, independence, and responsibility for compliance among other risk management tools.
John’s choice of record from Stephen’s collection is David Bowie’s Greatest Hits, One.
Episode 10
Brian Ludeke, a defense attorney with Garrett & Tully, PC in Southern California, who has defended many accounting firms, shares stories with Stephen about the content in e-mails that have caused problems for the defense in a legal claim against accountants. Brian discusses why you should read e-mail before you press
Brian chooses Willie Nelson’s Greatest Hits from Stephen’s collection as the musical topic for this episode of RiskyRecords.
Episode 9
Accounting Today’s Editor-in-chief Dan Hood shares with RiskyRecords host Stephen Vono his perspective on the risk environment that accountants work in today. Dan and Stephen banter about topics from a broad view including commoditization by technology versus missing out on advisory services enabled by technology, risk around retaining talent and thoughts on Environmental Social and Governance (ESG).
All this and more in episode #9 of RiskyRecords where Dan relives his MTV experience by choosing the Police album Ghost In The Machine from Stephen’s collection.
Episode 8
In This episode, RiskyRecords guest John Raspante, Director of Risk Management for McGowanPRO discusses with Stephen the complexities of professional liability insurance for services related to the Corporate Transparency Act and Beneficial Ownership Interest reporting. John shares risk management advice for accountants who contemplate providing services related to CTA/BOI.
John’s choice of record from Stephen’s collection is John Denver’s Greatest Hits.
Episode 7
Alison Simons of Simons Marketing, whose focus is the accounting profession and professional service firms, discusses with Stephen the intersection of marketing and risk for accounting firms. Alison speaks of the inherent risk of running an accounting firm and how marketing can help reduce risk for the firm. Niche development, scope of services, and recruiting and retention are some topics talked about.
Alison explains how the Beach Boys was the “soundtrack of her youth” as The Beach Boys Greatest Hits is chosen from Stephen’s collection of vinyl.
Episode 6
In This episode, RiskyRecords guest Mark Stone, CPA of Sales Tax Defense LLC speaks with Stephen about the risk environment for accountants when performing sales tax services and shares his thoughts about engagement letter language, nexus issues and the accountant’s advisory role to their clients. Mark chooses Simon & Garfunkel’s record Sounds of Silence from Stephen’s collection as the two share memories of what the record album means to them.
Episode 5
Nancy Reimer, a defense attorney from Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP, who has defended many accounting firms, takes Stephen through the claim process from when the insurance company receives notification till closure and her duties in representing the professional liability policyholder. Nancy also shares lessons learned through a tax-related claim story. Whitney Houston’s breakout record, Whitney Houston, is a musical topic of discussion.
Episode 4
In This episode, RiskyRecords guest Patrick Cosgrove, a defense attorney from Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP, has defended many accounting firms. Patrick shares with Stephen why a well-written engagement letter can be your friend, specifically with the addition of a venue clause and a limitation of liability clause. Included in the conversation is why the calendar should be every accountant’s buddy. Patrick chooses Paul Simon’s record Graceland from Stephen’s collection.
Episode 3
In This episode, RiskyRecords guest Mark Koziel, CEO of Allinial Global chats with Stephen about the risk environment for accountants when performing Client Advisory Services (CAS) and shares his thoughts about client information security. Mark chooses Billy Joel’s record The Stranger from Stephen’s collection as the two share memories of what the record album means to them.
Guest Randy Crabtree of Tri-Merit R&D tax Credit Services shares risk management tips concerning the 174 tax code and Employee Retention Credits, a must listen for tax preparers! Randy chooses The Cars first album from Stephen’s record collection for a stroll down musical memory lane.
Welcome to Risky Records first podcast! Todays guest, Anthony Carolei of Hanover Insurance talks about the benefits of early reporting in the event a professional service provider has an incident or claim. Also talked about are some other beneficial highlights in accountant’s professional liability insurance coverage that accountant policy holders should know. Anthony chooses Led Zeppelin’s first album from Stephen’s record collection.