Risk Management


Accounting Outsourcing Risks: What You Need to Know

CPAs, accountants, and professional service firms are known to outsource work at times, especially during tax season. It’s common practice and often necessary. When done right, outsourcing work can save a lot of time and money. If done wrong, it can be extremely costly and could even ruin a company’s reputation. The biggest risk of […]


Remote Access Security for CPAs and Accountants

When COVID-19 sent everyone home to a remote desktop, many companies did not have remote access systems in place. As a result, IT teams scrambled to deploy them amid chaos. It was no minor task, and many IT teams were unprepared for the massive shift to remote work. To no surprise, security flaws stemming from […]

The Society of CIC Recognizes Gary Sutherland for Twenty Years of Leadership

Gary Sutherland of McGowanPro in Framingham, Massachusetts was recently honored for his ongoing pledge to education, commitment to excellence, and dedication to the insurance profession. The Society of Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) presented Gary Sutherland with a formally inscribed certificate for his continued participation in the CIC Program. Earning his CIC Designation and maintaining all […]

wayfair decision

Understanding the Wayfair Decision and Associated Risks

The days of internet sellers and buyers avoiding state sales tax ended on June 21, 2018, when the United States Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in South Dakota v. Wayfair. The ruling said states could collect and remit sales tax on businesses without a physical presence doing more than 200 transactions or $100,000 in in-state sales. As […]


Cybercrime During the COVID-19 Pandemic

According to an FBI report, cybercrime cases have quadrupled over the last year. With many people working from home, company data security has taken a hit since corporate firewalls cannot protect what goes on at home. CPA firms, accountants, and professional service firms are prime targets of cyber-attacks. The significant amount of personal information collected […]

succession planning

What Accounting Professionals Should Know about Retirement and Succession Planning

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when leaving your practice is failing to consider that you can still face professional malpractice claims after your departure. Retirement or changing careers does not protect an accounting professional from possible litigation from past clients or third parties. For a smooth and stress-free transition, professionals need to […]

cyber insurance

How Cyber Insurance Protects CPAs

CPAs keep perhaps more sensitive and valuable personal data than any other profession. The type of data that cybercriminals would love to get their hands on and actively looking to exploit. Some of the most common CPA security breaches result in identity theft for fraudulent tax returns. Many victims never know their data has been […]

CPAs shaking hands

CPA Merger and Acquisitions: 7 Pitfalls to Watch

When business climate changes or partners approach retirement age, accounting firms often find themselves in a position where merging makes the most sense. Some firms will benefit from filling talent gaps, and others enjoy expanding their reach into new geographic markets. Whatever the reason for a CPA merger, firms need to tread lightly when acquiring […]

man using an ipad

5 Considerations for Your Accountant E&O Policy

Despite what some accountants think, not all professional liability policies are created equal. The best policies cast a wide net of coverage at the best value with a trusted insurance provider. Then some policies are excellent. How? Policies that stand out provide high levels of service and benefits like risk management and education to invest […]

cannabis leaves on top of money

Cannabis Industry Clients: What CPAs Should Know About Risk Management

Every year more states are legalizing medicinal and recreational cannabis.  The growing cannabis industry means new client opportunities for CPAs, but with it comes the need to understand the nuances of serving this growing industry.  Cannabis industry clients come with all the same risks as clients in other industries but have an added layer of […]