

2021 RIMS Conference Cyber Takeaways

RIMS LIVE 2021 recently took place; a conference considered the most comprehensive risk management event globally and a must-attend event for anyone providing services to risk professionals in 2021. It featured over 100 hours of risk management knowledge and insights surrounding everything cyber. The conference brought in dozens of industry expert speakers and held dozens of events […]


Remote Work in 2021: Preparing for the Risks

One of the most significant outcomes of COVID-19 was the acceleration of the digital business shift. All indications were that remote work would be the future, but nobody planned on the transitioning happening so fast.  The speed to transition was impressive, but it left some open doors for criminals looking for soft spots like anything rushed. With […]


Remote Access Security for CPAs and Accountants

When COVID-19 sent everyone home to a remote desktop, many companies did not have remote access systems in place. As a result, IT teams scrambled to deploy them amid chaos. It was no minor task, and many IT teams were unprepared for the massive shift to remote work. To no surprise, security flaws stemming from […]


Cybercrime During the COVID-19 Pandemic

According to an FBI report, cybercrime cases have quadrupled over the last year. With many people working from home, company data security has taken a hit since corporate firewalls cannot protect what goes on at home. CPA firms, accountants, and professional service firms are prime targets of cyber-attacks. The significant amount of personal information collected […]

cyber insurance

How Cyber Insurance Protects CPAs

CPAs keep perhaps more sensitive and valuable personal data than any other profession. The type of data that cybercriminals would love to get their hands on and actively looking to exploit. Some of the most common CPA security breaches result in identity theft for fraudulent tax returns. Many victims never know their data has been […]

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Accountants and Law Enforcement Collaboration Can Help Fight Cyberattacks

As people move more of their lives online, they become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Accounting firms are no different. In fact, they are at a higher risk of being targeted for a cyberattack because they deal with sensitive financial information.  According to a CNN article, a McAfee report said ransomware incidents increased across all sectors by […]

Coronavirus scams

COVID-19 and Cybersecurity Best Practices

The COVID-19 pandemic is something nobody living today has ever experienced. It’s attacked our health and done extensive damage to our economy and way of life. If that weren’t enough, cybercriminals have added insult to injury by attacking under the COVID-19 guise. Working remotely from home has become the “new normal,” and the trend will […]

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Incorporating Data Breach Response Coverage into Your IT Security Strategy

Cybersecurity should be a top concern for accounting firms. There are countless cybersecurity tools and best practices to help mitigate the effects of a data breach and the impact they may have on accounting firms. Accountants, in particular, must prioritize cybersecurity as an on-going process as opposed to a one-time item that, once completed, does […]

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How Accountants Can Keep Up with Cybercrime

Cybercrime should be at the top of the list of threats to any business, regardless of size. Accounts, who are responsible for the security of their own data as well as the financial data of their clients, need to recognize cybersecurity as a daily action item. Because accountants are responsible for sensitive client information, they […]