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Investment Advisor ERISA Bonds: an Overview

What is an ERISA Bond ? An ERISA Bond is an amended Fidelity bond that meets the requirements of ERISA law. Unlike a Fidelity Bond, which pays losses to the insured, an ERISA Bond pays losses directly to the client whose assets are managed. It has no deductible, calculates limits on plan assets up to […]

Business People Meeting using laptop computer, calculator, notebook, stock market chart paper for analysis Plans to improve quality next month. Conference Discussion Corporate Concept

Affordable Care Act Confirmation Letter

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law in 2010. One provision of the Act required that in 2014 all Americans must have qualified health insurance or face a “Shared Responsibility Payment.” Additionally, the Act allowed insurance providers and large employers a one-year delay in reporting the coverage in 2014 to both the IRS […]

notice of employee termination paper

When Terminating a Client is Prudent Business Practice

  CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD: When Terminating a Client is Prudent Business Practice

Right and Wrong crossroad

Information Security & Cyber Liability: Essential Steps to Protecting your Practice

CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD: Information Security & Cyber Liability: Essential Steps to Protecting your Practice

Responding to Subpoenas and Summonses: An Accountants Guide for Understanding & Response

  CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD: Responding to Subpoenas and Summonses: An Accountants Guide for Understanding & Response

man standing in front of wall that says terms and conditions

Revisions to Circular 230 – Should I drop my disclaimer?

The impact of revisions to Circular 230 Should I drop my disclaimer? In June 2014 the IRS issued final regulations that make significant changes to Circular 230. The final regulations recognize that the Covered Opinion Rules are no longer necessary, and have been replaced with new standards for issuing written tax advice. As a result, […]

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What SSARS No. 21 Means for your Accounting Firm

SSARS No. 21 Engagement Letter In October 2014, the AICPA announced a significant revision to its Standards for Accounting and Review Services. The updated standard, SSARS No. 21, which goes into effect on December 15, 2015, will allow accountants to provide clients with financial statements but does not require them to provide accompanying audits, reviews […]

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Engagement Letters for Accountants & CPAs

These example engagement letters are intended solely for general educational purposes. They are not intended for the purpose of providing specific legal, accounting, or other professional advice to any particular recipient or with respect to any particular jurisdiction. The author, publisher, and distributor of this document (1) make no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to […]

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